Here was the twitter thread of what I read last year. I’ll be posting on Mastodon this year instead.Find me there at I read a lot of books this year but in many ways it wasn’t a great year for me (it’s improving) so I have mixed feelings about the sheer length of this list and am hoping to read LESS this year. I started to read 144 books and finished 142 but kept up with a few I maybe shouldn’t have. Here are stats for the books that I finished. Of note is that I’m lumping female and non-binary authors together only because I’m trying to read fewer books by men. I’m also retiring my “people of color/non-Western” category only because it relies too much on surface impressions/names.
average read per month: 12
average read per week: 2.7
number read in worst month: 8 (September, October)
number read in best month: 17 (March, July)
number unfinished: 2
percentage by male authors: 58%
percentage by female and non-binary authors: 42%
fiction as percentage of total: 80%
non-fiction as percentage of total: 20%
percentage of total liked: 91%
percentage of total ambivalent: 8%
percentage of total disliked: 1%
ebook to book ratio: approximately 4 to 3
Previous summaries: 2021, 2020, 2019, 2018, 2017, 2016, 2015, 2014, 2013, 2012, 2011, 2010, 2009, 2007, 2006, 2005, 2004. The always-updated booklist, going back to 1997, lives at and it has its own RSS feed.