Baghdad Day to Day: Librarian’s Journal

The New York Times discusses the day to day activities of Saad Eskander, the director of Iraq’s National Library and Archive in Baghdad, as detailed on his blog at the British Library.

In mid-January, he published a chart on the impact of sectarian violence on his staff for just the month of December. It included 4 assassinations of employees and 2 kidnappings, 66 murders of staff members’ relatives, 58 death threats and 51 displacements.

The newest entries, posted on Thursday, take readers through Wednesday, Jan. 31. Dr. Eskander writes that the week started off quietly: Most of the staff couldn’t get to work because of blockades and military checkpoints.

come together @ your library

ADHD Librarian takes the meme and runs with it, with a song for the new National Library Week theme based on a familiar tune we all know.

She reading poster
She’s got reading fiction
She’s got int’net access
She got Porno filter
She say “One and one and one is ontology”
Got to be smart thinking ’cause she’s got library degree
Come together right now @ your library