Single link library advocacy sites

I am collecting a list of single-link “save the library” sites or other library value advocacy sites. If people want to add some in the comments, please do. The Save Libraries umbrella site is a good go-to place for general information on funding crises hitting libraries and ALA has a decent page with links to some Facebook examples.


10 thoughts on “Single link library advocacy sites

  1. Nice to see a mention of Illinois, which somehow seems to end up missing from these kinds of compilations.

    Ohio, California get lots of attention…not so much Illinois.

    Thanks to the complete disaster that is the Illinois state budget, library systems in Illinois are downsizing drastically as of July 1.

    Two systems have so far made public announcements on their cuts and all 7 others are likely to follow soon.

    Library systems in Illinois provide delivery of library materials, consulting on many issues to libraries, and in many cases administer the automation system and online catalog.

    For the public announcements from the 2 systems that have made them so far (my understanding is that the systems will be cutting a total of 38 staff between them):

  2. This is a website of free development resources collected by 2008 and 2010 ALA Emerging Leaders Group. There is a designated library advocacy section put together by the 2010 group that focuses on links to websites with examples of, and free resources for, library advocacy.

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