investigating the biblioblogosphere

Very fascinating article and research by Walt about library blogs. Instead of pullquotes and links, he crunches some (admittedly somewhat subjectively chosen) numbers to line up 60 library blogs in some semblance of order. Don’t like his conclusions? You can download his data and fiddle with it yourself. Which reminds me, I need to get my mission statement back on this page. Fiona notes: we need tools, and fast and puts out a call for more non-USian bloggers.

Laura Crossett wins!

If you read the EFF blog you’ve probably been keeping up with their Blog for Freedom where people have been writing on their blogs about their first experiences with standing up for their digital rights. What I didn’t know was that it was a contest of sorts. Today I learn that contest was won by …. a librarian. Rad Refster and library student Laura Crossett who runs lis.dom won Best Overall post for this entry. Nice going Laura! I hope they send you the pajamas.

do library schools need their own libraries?

When I went to library school, the school was actually IN the library, so there wasn’t much question about us having our own library. The Paul Wasserman Library — an independent library at the University of Maryland’s College of Information Studies — is having its collection and staff folded into the main library on campus. CIS students are predictably unhappy about what they see as a rather sudden and disdvantageous change. A few of them have started the Save Wasserman blog. If you’re curious who Paul Wasserman is, you can read his commencement speech (pdf) to the graduating class of 2005.

linkdump 11jul

Every so often, I purge the lefthand links on this page and replace them. For those of you who don’t visit the web page and read via RSS, here is the list of sites I am retiring. This doesn’t mean anything about the sites themselves, just that I’ve either added them to my RSS reader [or not] and am going to move on and highlight some newer sites I’ve noticed. Enjoy.

A Wandering Eyre
Dan Green/LibraryMonk
eLiterate Librarian
feelgood librarian
fiddling librarian
Inquiring Librarian
IP and Social Justice
Pattern Recognition
Secret Library