hi – 18aug

Hi. At long last the “Ask A Librarian” issue of The Reference Librarian that I edited has been published and is getting some okay reviews. Since the issue was put to bed in the middle of last year, it’s not really discussing cutting edge technologies, but since these things catch on in fits and starts perhaps it will teach people a thing or two.

Posted in hi

the guys who run Google “get” librarians

An excerpt from that controversial Playboy interview with Sergei Brin. You’ll notice he never mentions Google Answers.

PLAYBOY: Librarians must hate Google. Will you put them out of business?

BRIN: Actually, more and more librarians love Google. They use it. They do an excellent job helping people find answers on the Internet in addition to using their book collections. Finding information still requires skill. It’s just that you can go much further now. Google is a tool for librarians just as it’s a tool for anyone who wants to use it.