hi – 28feb

Hi. Spam is weird, we all know that. I got what I think is a truly bizarre piece of spam in the postmaster@ box at my library today.

Effective immediately, your local library hours are changing to 9-5 Monday-Saturday.
If you are not currently using the library, please disregard this message.
Please do not respond as responses to this mailbox are not checked.

Notification for:
[my director’s name]
Rutland Free Library
[variant of my director’s email address]@rutlandfree.org

–Research Team

Posted in hi

what is going on with federal depository libraries

Government Information in the Digital Age: The Once and Future Federal Depository Library Program. The Federal Depository Library Program run by the GPO is changing, dramatically. How will this affect you, and your patrons’ access to goverment information? James Jacobs and Shinjoung Yeo have made a preprint of an article they’ve written available.

We believe the GPO’s proposed model will do more to endanger long-term access to government information than ensure it. Libraries have been slow to offer alternatives. Many librarians have even supported GPO’s proposals — perhaps because the long-term implications are not clear.

DRM and fair use

Though this article in D-Lib is a bit of a “complex text” it’s worth reading if you’ve been asking yourself “How can I try to ensure fair use rights in the brave new world of DRM-ed content?” No matter what happens with DRM over the next few months, librarians that manage DRM-ed content are going to have to get a whole lot more tech-savvy, and quick.

The case of library licenses can be implemented by providing libraries with Library customer templates to request Library customer licenses valid for a fixed period of time. Prior to giving out a new copy of a Library customer template, the library can check the PCM to see whether the number of customer licenses in use is fewer than the maximum allowed.