hi – 28feb

Hi. Spam is weird, we all know that. I got what I think is a truly bizarre piece of spam in the postmaster@ box at my library today.

Effective immediately, your local library hours are changing to 9-5 Monday-Saturday.
If you are not currently using the library, please disregard this message.
Please do not respond as responses to this mailbox are not checked.

Notification for:
[my director’s name]
Rutland Free Library
[variant of my director’s email address]@rutlandfree.org

–Research Team

Posted in hi

hi – 23feb

Hi. I try to update my about page every year or so. I’ve just updated it. This week also saw two checks in the mail. One from Powells for $45 or so for my yearly affiliate fees and one from my publisher with this year’s royalty check for $200 or so. Revolting Librarians Redux has now sold over 1000 copies which makes me sort of happy.

Posted in hi

hi – 18feb

Hi. Aaron’s library and my library are now friends on Flickr. In other tech news, I have to apologize for not paying much attention to the newish podcasting craze sweeping the blogosphere out here, though I hear that Lessig has finally gotten on the bandwagon. In short, the reason I like tech tools like RSS and del.icio.us and feedster is that they allow me to take in news fast and scan-like, faster even than it takes to write it down. When I want to interact with information slowly, I’ll read a book. I know many people listen to the radio recreationally and so podcasting probably works for them. For me, taking in information in a 1 minute=1 minute ratio actually slows me down. I don’t mean to sound all “oh listen to me, I’m so busy” because I’m not. I have a lot of leisure time. I don’t have information overload. I enjoy the amount of media I interact with. However, I usually listen to the radio, or new music, or silence when I’m working. My multitasking does not extend to the audible realm. I’m looking forward to reading what others have to write about podcasting.

Posted in hi

hi – 13feb

Hi. I’ve seen two small libraries that were not in libraries lately. One was in Bryant Park Reading Room originally called the “Open Air Library”, outside of the main NYPL building. In bad weather it is enclosed in a plastic tent. It’s a book and newspaper collection that was intended originally during the Depression Era to be accessible to everyone. No money, no address, no problem. It existed in the 30’s and 40’s [and closed once the wartime job surge put a lot of people back to work] and is re-opening this year. The second was at my local video store. They have a few shelves of books that relate somehow to the movies that they carry like the entire Lemony Snicket series, or the Simpsons episode guide. All the books can be checked out with your movies, for free.

Posted in hi