past entry 22sep

Hi. For some reason I am finding it easier to update this site now that I have a job. And I don’t even update it while I’m at work. I’m just more easily plugged in to things librarian, I suppose. To anyone who reads this site using RSSify via LISNews…. 20% of my traffic is suddenly coming from there. This site has a fair amount of readers, but not like that. Please consider setting your RSS reader to check for updates less frequently, or use one of the pre-made feeds that are linked above. I almost never update more than daily; setting a bot to check for updates every 5-30 minutes wastes bandwidth.

PATRIOT Watch: What do we need to get to the heart of this recent USAPA mess? Simple questions simply answered.

here’s the questions to ask your elected representatives to ask the Bush administration:

  • If these new powers are needed to fight terrorism, why aren’t they being used?
  • If these new powers aren’t needed to fight terrorism, why do you have them? And why did you misrepresent your reasons for seeking them?
  • If these powers have been used, why are you lying to us now?

Joe Janes talks about ALA-Toronto and the punch-in-the-gut that was the CIPA decision.

Speaking of faceted classification, there is the Bliss Classification System. [ thanks rteeter ]

past entry 20sep

Oh, hey, it’s banned books week. And again people debate the relevance of the name. Russ Kick who manages the very useful site The Memory Hole has written one of my favorite essays about BBW.

The majority of books on the Banned Books Week list haven’t been banned, but rather have been challenged. They are shelved in libraries and bookstores and included in school curricula across the nation. Virtually every book that is published can be purchased or checked out in the United States.

Or, as I like to call it Brand Books Week. Celebrate your freedom the American way, by shopping!

Lis has really pulled out the salient parts of this whole Ashcroft mess of late.

How to get Movable Type to do faceted classification.

Just Give it to Me Straight; A Case Against Filtering the Internet. [ thanks sethf ]

A real dilemma: being a library manager when only some of your employees are on strike…

What does it mean to be “too sexy” for an Ivy league library? Well, a lawsuit, for one. [ thanks jim ]

past entry 19sep

Hi. I am starting to make San Diego plans. I will be in San Diego for ALA from roughly the 9th through the 14th of January. I would like a free or possibly cheap place to stay. Couches are fine. Let me know if you have some leads.

Special issue of the Juice out this week. In Rory’s words “Special issue on the RIAA’s lawsuit against a child for file sharing and ALA’s legal counsel, the law firm Jenner & Block.”

PATRIOT Watch: I am sorry, I do love this country but I don’t believe my government. Their memos claim no feds snooping in libraries using the broad power of the USA PATRIOT Act. But what about this survey? Are all those librarians just wrong? We know we can be a little — what was it Mr Ashcroft? — hysterical sometimes, but still, that’s a big margin for error, don’t you think? [ thanks all ]

Or, as the DNC puts it: Librarians: 1, Ashcroft: 0 [ thanks greg ]

PATRIOT Watch: Humor. Would be more funny if it didn’t seem so close to true.

Revised Patriot Act Will Make It Illegal To Read Patriot Act
WASHINGTON, DC — President Bush spoke out Monday in support of a revised version of the 2001 USA Patriot Act that would make it illegal to read the USA Patriot Act. “Under current federal law, there are unreasonable obstacles to investigating and prosecuting acts of terrorism, including the public’s access to information about how the federal police will investigate and prosecute acts of terrorism,” Bush said at a press conference Monday. “For the sake of the American people, I call on Congress to pass this important law prohibiting access to itself.” [ thanks kevin ]